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PAYDAY 2: Gage Spec Ops Pack Cracked


Updated: Mar 24, 2020

About This Content Based on his knowledge as a war veteran and weapons expert, he has handpicked some superior mods for this special forces equipment package. A brand new special weapon and 12 new weapon modifications that will add a deadlier dimension to any arsenal. The mods will also drop in the Card Loot Drop after successfully completing a heist for all DLC owners. Gage guarantees that these mods can suit any firearms flavor and enhance the combat efficiency highly.KEY FEATURES• Special weapon: The Arbiter - The player gets the chance to unlock a brand new special weapon: The Arbiter. An automatic grenade launcher that fires 25mm grenades with less of a projectile fall off than traditional grenade launcher. This feature makes the weapon more accurate, smart technology for smart players.• Special Missions - To unlock the special weapon, players need to complete Gage’s four special missions. For each completed special mission in PAYDAY 2, the player is rewarded with a new mask, material, pattern, material and as well as a weapon part. After collecting all the four weapon parts, the Arbiter weapon is available in the inventory.The weapon part assembly progress is displayed in the player's Safehouse.•12 new weapon mods to unlock –12 new special ops mods that will take the arsenal to an interesting level. Among the enhancements are a 45^ Degree Sight, Sniper Scope and Distance Meter Sight for assassinations. Gage have always had a weak spot for the sharpshooters that deliver highly-accurate rifle fire against enemy targets. • 4 new achievements to unlock – When done with the weapon modifications, it is time to put the enhanced arsenal and new special weapon to the test. You will need to use all your experience and weapon wielding skill to retrieve these achievements.• Four new masks – Gage has made sure you have what it takes to take over the scene in unconventional style with A.W.O.L, Bloody Bandana, Batshit Crazy and Dark Legion. These masks become available to the player when completing Gage’s special missions. • Four new patterns – TTime to choose between the special ops patterns once the special missions are completed: Sniper Sight, Battle Stripes, Guns & Ammo and War Paint. • Four new Material –It may be the difference between life and death to apply the right camouflage in order to disappear in the surroundings. New delivery of materials for all special ops players out there that pull off the special missions: Universal Camouflage, Multi Camouflage, Army Green and Dark Shadows. 7aa9394dea Title: PAYDAY 2: Gage Spec Ops PackGenre: Action, RPGDeveloper:OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.Release Date: 24 Nov, 2016 PAYDAY 2: Gage Spec Ops Pack Cracked payday 2 gage spec ops pack big oil. payday 2 gage spec ops pack achievements. payday 2 gage spec ops pack firestarter. payday 2 gage spec ops pack rats. payday 2 gage spec ops pack locations. payday 2 gage spec ops pack. payday 2 gage spec ops pack buy. payday 2 gage spec ops pack key. payday 2 gage spec ops pack framing frame. payday 2 gage spec ops pack key locations. payday 2 gage spec ops pack купить Having a magazine that halves your reload time with literally no downsides besides not being able to use a different one, a lovely sight that tells you how far away something is from your location, several weapon mods that target some of the more unused weapons in the game (25 concealment IZHMA anybody?), and a grenade launcher that uses magazines to reload and effectively acts as both a sniper and crowd clearer? iz gud shiz.. This is just as important as the GMC.It adds new mods to weapon like the Interceptor, Crosskill, Compact-5 etc. (not that you use them anyways since there are DLC weapons superior to those) BUT, the Absolute Inhuman Reaction Mag is its real selling point.And the Arbiter but we'll get to that later.Speed Pull introduces a reload speed reduction in case you're saving points on other skills than to spend 12 points on skills that do the exact same thing plus extra conditions. It also makes the AMCAR less bad.The Arbiter is a fun weapon that possesses range that's far enough to kill Snipers if you're running a full GL build like I sometimes do. Alas, don't expect it to work just like other GLs because the grenade takes off at a distance so shooting it on the ground causes it to miss most of the time. With moderate practice you'll master this in no time. Who am I kidding, you don't need skills to use weapons.And the 45 degree RDS? ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. It's badass, badass and badass. It helps in sniper rifles to take down close enemies with its smaller zoom level while still maintaining on-point accuracy. I always use it on my rifles because, it looks badass.The Recon Sight is, uh, I don't even know what's it's for actually. It's big, view-obstructing and it makes me really uncomfortable. The distance meter can be used on an SMG to help with the GL40 achv. but I guess most poeple already got it by now. And the Box Buddy Sight is for those who'd rather pay than go on some wacky zipline-and-shoot farm.Overall I'd say 8\/10. TL;DR: You go on a hunt for secret stashes of parts and get a new GL. Mods for old weapons. Badass 45 degree sight. And speedhack mag as mentioned by others.Am I promoting the 45 degree RDS too much?Nah.It's badass.. 1. speed hack mag2. better scope that replaces the theia magnified scope3. better side sight for even more guns4.the izhma is OD viable5. semi-auto mag-fed grenade launcherwhat more could you ask for honestly. I'm truly dissapointed this time, t\u0336h\u0336i\u0336s\u0336 \u0336e\u0336n\u0336t\u0336i\u0336r\u0336e\u0336 \u0336p\u0336a\u0336c\u0336k\u0336 \u0336s\u0336h\u0336o\u0336u\u0336l\u0336d\u0336 \u0336b\u0336e\u0336e\u0336n\u0336 \u0336f\u0336r\u0336e\u0336e\u0336 \u0336o\u0336n\u0336 \u0336t\u0336h\u0336e\u0336 \u0336o\u0336r\u0336d\u0336e\u0336r\u0336 \u0336o\u0336f\u0336 \u0336t\u0336h\u0336e\u0336 \u0336B\u0336u\u0336t\u0336c\u0336h\u0336e\u0336r\u0336 \u0336m\u0336o\u0336d\u0336 \u0336d\u0336l\u0336c\u0336 I PAID FOR THE BUTCHER PACK TOO AND FORGOT. THAT'S HOW FREE THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN. Most of the benefit is to vanilla and PAYDAY community weapons, and frankly I'm embarrassed that I thought this would be worth the money. I will say the 45\u00b0 angle sight for DMR\/assault rifles is a nice touch, but it sure isn't worth sticker price on its own. I have to agree with some of the discussion I have already seen pop up in the last 24hrs since launch, a lot of these mods seem to be "fixing" requested buffs to vanilla weapons, by putting a pricetag on a relatively simple bugfix or rebalance, when weighed against designing new graphical assets. Furthermore, the "weapon missions" are just the same, lazy, ambiguous scavenger hunts 4 times over, I'd do it for free, never for $5.50. This is the worst kind of cash grab. I didn't even bother "unlocking" the new grenade launcher with the find the keys BS; sounds like it is a blatant upgrade of the piglet without bothering to try and make a slight reload speed tweak on another paid dlc weapon. So yeah, you make your own call, I'm waiting for a sale, seeing as I'm a completionist, achievement grabbing wh*re.. Best mod pack and must getPros+Grenade Launcher, Fast traveling and accurate!!+Speed Reloading Magazines! Even the P90 has the sling wrap around the magazine!!!+Sniper Auto Mark Scope!! Just aim and scope will mark any special police!! EVEN THRU SMOKE!!!+Has bunch of mods for original\/base game weapons.+Taiwan Special Forces Ballastic Mask!!!!!! Tactical Beard!!!!!! NVG with Helmet!!!+Good Pattern+45 Degree Micro Red Dot Sight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUST GET!!!!!!!!Mixed-You have to find 12 keys and 4 case in specific heist. Good luck find them all!!Cons-No DMR package for the G36C =( although have long barrel mods for it.. https:\/\/\/watch?v=VHeW-GyzePMShort version: Probably not worth picking up at full price. Most of the mods aren't going to make or break existing weapons and in the case of the Akimbo Magazines, are identical to existing mods in terms of the stats associated with them. Masks are decent, the grenade launcher is good but I'm not sure I'd say its better than the China Puff... a side grade maybe. Wait for a sale unless you have money laying around and just want to spend it now.. ONE gun for 4.99.. you get p2w bs for other weapons that's gonna get nerfed once the DLC has sold enough and starts going on sale. The Gage Spec Ops pack does the exact same thing as the previous mod packs, giving boosts to older guns to make them more attractive compared to newer and stronger weapons.And like all those packs this does it well too... a bit too well but I'll talk about that later.Firstly is the 2 Compact 5 Mods, the Spartan Stock which boosts Stability, and the Enlightened Foregrip boosts Accuracy and Stability while nerfing Concealment, while this make the Compact a more attractive SMG, it still isn't topping anything and is still pretty good to use, overall the Compact 5 won't change much, but is still a fun SMG with these mods.Secondly for sights we get 3, the Box Buddy Sight which is just a the Theia Magnified Scope from the Sniper Pack when it comes to stats, the orignal sight for the JP36 which looks cool, but blocks too much of the screen to be considered useful, and the Reconnaissance Sight which works the exact same way as the Theia at telling distance from a target, but works on Assault Rifles as well, this makes it the best sight in the pack in my opinon, while the others are nice, they lack in comparison to the Reconnaissance Sight.Thirdly for Pistols we get 2 Mag Mods for the Crosskill and Interceptor Pistol respectively, again very nice buffs to older weapons, but these pistols still won't hold much compared to the Sig 40 and Baby Deagle, but if you enjoy those 2 pistols, it's a nice addtion to have.Now for the intresting stuff!Fourth we have a new Shotgun Barrel Extension called Donald's Horizontal Leveller, this increases damage, stability and lowers concealment, however it tightens the spread of shotguns, this makes it a perfect mod for AA12s and other shotguns that want all of their pellets to hit a close target, overall I love this Barrel Extension.Fifth the IZHMA 12G gets 2 new mods, the Hollow Handle which increases concealment by 4, and the short barrel which also increases concealment by 4, but lowers accuracy by 4 and stability by 4, this FINALLY buffs the IZHMA into an actual GOOD gun, before it has always been a downgrade to the AA12 from the BBQ pack, but now this weapon is a fantastic Dodge Crit weapon, I made a build which craps DPS onto enemies, I will share it later and trust me when I say, it does work... A LOT OF WORK!Lastly for mods we get the speed Pull Mag which increases the reload speed of your weapon by 100%, this works on nearly all Rifles and SMGS with Mag mods and it works well... HOWEVER!The JP36, UAR Rifle and Heather SMGs can use this as well despite having no Mag Mods, this makes 3 already good weapons that require no DLC to be viable into monsters!Next we have 4 Sidejobs, these require you to find 2 keys and crates on Certain heists, like for Rats day 1, and 2 have a key, while 3 has a case, when you finish one, you get 1 mask, 1 pattern, 1 material, and 1 weapon part. The keys and cases are easy to find, and even then so many guides are around to help!When all jobs are finished you get a new Grenade Launcher, it's mag fed and very powerful! It's a straight upgrade from the China Puff for armour players due to it's higher ammo, however the concealment is very low compared to the China Puff, overall a great weapon!The masks are all awesome, my personal fav is A.W.O.L, and I enjoy using all 4 masks, it's about time Overkill added masks which I actually like for once.Achievements aren't required to unlock anything which is good, and the new ones are nice addtions to the family, all 4 aren't hard, but can be a nice challenge.Overall this pack is good... too good... to be honest it's Borderline Pay2Win right now... and that's the first time I've said that with any DLC because I often see a downside with certain DLCs.Like the Sniper Pack introducing a new Playstyle that relays on teammates defending them, while they take out specials, and new free Snipers being added, so in my eyes that DLC wasn't Pay2Win ever.Or the BBQ pack having the powerful Molotovs, but losing the explosive power of grenades and the insta kill javelins\/Axes\/Knifes can cause you to die, so again this DLC wasn't Pay2Win in my eyes.Or the Ninja pack adding the powerful Lebensauger 308, while rendering DMRs useless, it falls on higher difficulties and was only overpowered on Overkill and lets be honest, everything is overpowered on Overkill, so again this DLC in my eyes wasn't Pay2Win.Or the other Mod Packs. The Gage Courier Pack which gave you tasks collecting Boxes, which prevents you just straight up getting an Inf amount of Quad Stacks, not only that but most mods these days do the exact same, if not more then most mods in that Pack.As for the Butcher Mod pack, the mods in that doesn't add to much to make any guns OP or Broken, yes there are some that are straight up stat boosts with 0 Downsides, but they are so small, it's hard to notice. Plus that pack is limited to Assault Rifles, while the other mod packs give buffs to nearly every single weapon in the game.So overall yea it's a fun pack, but some mods add so much and doesn't include any bad downsides... that is a good thing.. and sadly a bad thing... hopefully Overkill doesn't add too mant crazy mods next time, again it's fun, but I shouldn't have to buy a DLC to make my JP36 or IZHMA way more viable then before.. The Gage Anal Assualt pack is one of the best j rpgs of all time combining the perfect combination of fan sevice and in depth high impact sexual assualt there is no reason not get this don ac dum. Do you want to see me Reload my Gun?Do you want to see it again?


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